Sophia Electric Classic II 300B Tubes with Vintage WE 300B Soul

Sophia Electric is excited to announce the launch of the new Classic II 300B tubes, an improved version of the original Classic 300B tubes, designed to deliver a magical sound for the audiophile community.
Brief History of Western Electric 300B Tubes
The Western Electric 300B was introduced in the 1930s and is renowned for its legendary and magical midrange. However, it had two significant drawbacks—a lack of high-frequency extension and weak bass response. These were not considered limitations at the time because the WE 300B tubes and amplifiers were designed for cinema voice reproduction, where frequencies above 10kHz and deep bass notes were unnecessary.
In modern amplifiers, however, the lack of resolution and bass weight has become an issue for today's music lovers and audiophiles. Over the years, Sophia Electric has successfully addressed these sonic limitations of the WE 300B.
Brief History of Sophia Electric 300B Tubes
In 2001, Sophia Electric introduced the Princess Mesh Plate 300B tube, featuring a natural voice, superior high-frequency bandwidth, and a full-bodied sound. It was an instant success among audiophiles. Over the years, the Mesh Plate 300B has undergone several upgrades, and the latest version remains one of the best-selling 300B tubes.
In 2005, Sophia Electric introduced the Princess Carbon Plate 300B tube, designed to deliver a sonic character reminiscent of the Allen Bradley resistor, which is renowned for its magical midrange and full-bodied bass extension. This tube has proven to be an excellent solution for thin-sounding amplifiers, and a natural choice for push-pull 300B amplifiers.
In 2011, Sophia Electric introduced the Royal Princess 300B, which combines the best virtues of the Mesh Plate Princess 300B (natural sound, high-frequency extension, and big soundstage) with the best virtues of the Carbon Plate Princess 300B (magical midrange and unparalleled bass extension). The Royal Princess 300B has proven to be the pinnacle of 300B technology, delivering the most desirable sound you would ever imagine. While it is expensive, it has become the most successful 300B tube story to date.
The success of the Royal Princess 300B is attributed to the use of rare earth materials, the cost of which has increased severalfold since the tube's introduction. This has forced Sophia Electric to revisit the WE design from the 1950s.
Sophia Electric Blue Glass Classic 300B Tubes
After years of experimentation, auditioning, and comparisons, Sophia Electric is proud to introduce the Classic 300B tubes. This new and improved version of the highly regarded WE 300B retains the beloved soul and midrange magic of the vintage model WE 300B while offering enhanced frequency response in both the high end and bass.
The blue glass design of the Classic 300B tube delivers the high-end extension and powerful bass response reminiscent of a live performance—providing 20% more bass extension and 15% more high-frequency extension compared to the vintage WE 300B tube, while maintaining the traditional direct-heated triode midrange magic.
Considering that a pair of vintage 1950s WE 300B tubes sells for around $5,000, the new Sophia Electric Classic 300B with blue glass represents a true bargain, offering superior sound quality. For inquiries, you can call us at 703-992-8546 or email us at
Price :
Option 1: $999.99 per Grade A matched pair with one year warranty.
Option 2: $899.99 per Grade A matched pair with 30 days warranty.
Option 3: $799.99 per Grade B matched pair with one year warranty.
Option 4: $699.99 per Grade B matched pair with 30 days warranty.
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