Sophia Electric™ Metalized Polypropelene Capacitor

Design: Metalized polypropelene capacitor, made in USA with finest European polypropelene and US made material. Listed for 400V, however, should have no problem in 2x VDC circuit.
Sonic character: transparent highs, fuller mid range and excellent bass extension. One step ahead competition for performance(and for cost). User can use this cap for upgrade existing capacitors in amplifier/pre-amp/CD signal coupling and even use this cap for power supply by-pass electrolytic capacitors for high frequency extension(airy highs).
0.47mfd/400V: $14/each
0.22mfd/400V: $12/each
Sonic character: transparent highs, fuller mid range and excellent bass extension. One step ahead competition for performance(and for cost). User can use this cap for upgrade existing capacitors in amplifier/pre-amp/CD signal coupling and even use this cap for power supply by-pass electrolytic capacitors for high frequency extension(airy highs).
0.47mfd/400V: $14/each
0.22mfd/400V: $12/each