Sophia Electric 2A3 Single Ended Output Transformers

300B SE Output Transformers: Sophia Electric vs. Audio Note
Primary 2.5K (2A3-01/2A3-03) or 2.8K or 3K (2A3-05), Secondary 0-8 ohm. 4 ohm is optional (free of charge).
2A3-01 single ended output transformers: using the vintage winding method (like vintage WE) for mid range magic with excellent bass and excellent high frequency. Better than what is available in the OPT market. Same winding method as 91-01 300B OPTs but in smaller size for 2A3 output of 3-4W.
2A3-03 combines the best vintage sonic flavor (through winding methods and material choice), musicality (through design parameter optimization and listening-voicing) and tuneful high frequency to compliment 2A3's renowned bass performance
2A3-05 OPT is the flagship model, very exotic, tall big wide soundstage with 3D dimensions of space and sense of time differential. Sound stage is way wider than the two side walls and deeper than any other brands of OPT in our transformer collections. Ultra resolution without brightness, without sharpness, ultra fluid with first class dynamic and speed. It does everything right!!! Great bargain for only $899.99 per pair. Authentic vintage WE core and expensive material choices. Bigger size than 03 and 01 level, also suitable for 50/6L6/300B single ended at 60ma or under.