Sophia Electric 274A Mesh Plate Tubes
Reviewed by Tone Audio (Issue 2)
Sophia Electric 274A mesh plate rectifier tube is identical to Sophia Electric 274B mesh plate rectifier tube except 274A is a 4-pin based tube vs. 274B is an 8-pin octal-based tube.
Note(*): Princess 274A mesh plate tube may require the first stage capacitor (capacitor input) to be less than 8MFD; otherwise, it would shorten the 274A life span (very much like smoking is bad for your health). It would not be a problem with common choke input. Please consult your amplifier maker or refer to a tube manual.
The maximum current capability for Sophia Electric 274A mesh plate tube is 90ma, suitable for tube pre-amp and mono-block 45 single ended and 2A3 mono-block single ended.
- Option 1: $240 per Princess 274A mesh plate tube with one year warranty.
- Option 2: $199.99 per Princess 274A mesh plate tube with 30 days warranty.